IDEA 2004
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the No Child Left Behind Act are currently the major federal laws impacting the programs and services for students with disabilities in all public schools throughout this country. This course will look at the key elements and processes of the IDEA regulations that parents and those working with parents and schools need to know.
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IDEA 2004 Course Overview
Welcome to IDEA 2004! The goal of this course is to provide a basic understanding of IDEA.
Lesson 1 of 3 within section IDEA 2004 Course Overview.
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Key Concepts of IDEA
Key elements and processes of the IDEA 2004 regulations that parents and those working with parents and schools need to know.
Lesson 2 of 3 within section IDEA 2004 Course Overview.
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State-Imposed Rules and Regulations
IDEA says that the Texas Education Agency (TEA) must identify and provide a list identifying any rule or regulation that is State-imposed (not required by federal regulations).
Lesson 3 of 3 within section IDEA 2004 Course Overview.
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Terms Defined by IDEA
Assistive Technology (AT)
Lesson 1 of 14 within section Terms Defined by IDEA.
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Lesson 2 of 14 within section Terms Defined by IDEA.
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Lesson 3 of 14 within section Terms Defined by IDEA.
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Lesson 4 of 14 within section Terms Defined by IDEA.
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Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
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Lesson 6 of 14 within section Terms Defined by IDEA.
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Lesson 7 of 14 within section Terms Defined by IDEA.
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Lesson 8 of 14 within section Terms Defined by IDEA.
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Lesson 9 of 14 within section Terms Defined by IDEA.
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Lesson 10 of 14 within section Terms Defined by IDEA.
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Special Education Teachers/Personnel
Lesson 11 of 14 within section Terms Defined by IDEA.
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Specific Learning Disability
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Lesson 13 of 14 within section Terms Defined by IDEA.
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Lesson 14 of 14 within section Terms Defined by IDEA.
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Identification, Evaluation & IDEA
Child Find
Each school has an obligation to identify and locate every student who resides within the school district who has a disability and who is in need of special education and related services.
Lesson 1 of 11 within section Identification, Evaluation & IDEA.
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New IDEA 2004 Provision Regarding Child Find
An LEA may use up to 15% of its IDEA-B funds to develop and implement coordinated early intervening services (CEIS) for non-special education students in K – 12.
Lesson 2 of 11 within section Identification, Evaluation & IDEA.
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Child with a Disability
A student who has a disability AND by reason thereof, needs special education and related services.
Lesson 3 of 11 within section Identification, Evaluation & IDEA.
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Not a Child with a Disability
Student is not a child with a disability if the determinant factor is limited English proficiency or lack of instruction in math or reading.
Lesson 4 of 11 within section Identification, Evaluation & IDEA.
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Evaluation data provides the basis for providing, increasing, decreasing, or discontinuing special education services.
Lesson 5 of 11 within section Identification, Evaluation & IDEA.
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Initial Evaluation
Initial evaluations are used to determine if a student has a disability and needs special education and related services.
Lesson 6 of 11 within section Identification, Evaluation & IDEA.
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School Transfers and Evaluations
When students transfer to other schools in a school year before an evaluation is complete, assessments are coordinated between schools to ensure prompt completion of the evaluation.
Lesson 7 of 11 within section Identification, Evaluation & IDEA.
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Parent Consent
The school must obtain parent consent for an evaluation.
Lesson 8 of 11 within section Identification, Evaluation & IDEA.
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Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)
The parents of a student with a disability have the right to obtain an IEE for their student at school expense, if they disagree with an evaluation obtained by the school.
Lesson 9 of 11 within section Identification, Evaluation & IDEA.
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A reevaluation is required if the school determines that the educational needs of the student warrant a reevaluation or if the student’s parent requests a reevaluation.
Lesson 10 of 11 within section Identification, Evaluation & IDEA.
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Specific Learning Disability
When determining the presence of a specific learning disability, the school is not required to take into consideration whether a student has a severe discrepancy between achievement and intellectual ability.
Lesson 11 of 11 within section Identification, Evaluation & IDEA.
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Admission, Review & Dismissal (ARD)
The ARD Committee
Federal regulations refer to an IEP team. In Texas, this committee is referred to as the Admission, Review, and Dismissal or ARD committee.
Lesson 1 of 4 within section Admission, Review & Dismissal (ARD).
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ARD Committee Members & Their Roles
Lesson 2 of 4 within section Admission, Review & Dismissal (ARD).
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ARD Committee Attendance
A member of the ARD committee, other than the parent, is not required to attend, if the parent and the school agree, in writing, that the attendance of the member is not necessary…
Lesson 3 of 4 within section Admission, Review & Dismissal (ARD).
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Questions about ARD Meetings
Can an ARD meeting be held without the parents? Can an IEP be amended without an ARD meeting? At what point can parents take action if they disagree with decisions of the ARD committee?
Lesson 4 of 4 within section Admission, Review & Dismissal (ARD).
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Individualized Education Programs & IDEA
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Each student with a disability MUST HAVE in effect at the beginning of each school year his or her own Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Lesson 1 of 11 within section Individualized Education Programs & IDEA.
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Required Contents of an IEP
Lesson 2 of 11 within section Individualized Education Programs & IDEA.
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Special Factors – Assistive Technology (AT)
The ARD committee must consider whether the student needs assistive technology devices.
Lesson 3 of 11 within section Individualized Education Programs & IDEA.
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Special Factors – Behavior, Visual Impairment, Communication, Limited English Proficiency
The ARD committee must consider special factors for behavior, visual impairment, communication needs and limited English proficiency.
Lesson 4 of 11 within section Individualized Education Programs & IDEA.
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IEPs and Assessments
ALL special education students must be included in all State and district-wide assessments.
Lesson 5 of 11 within section Individualized Education Programs & IDEA.
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Amending or Modifying the IEP without an ARD Meeting
The parent of a student with a disability and the school may agree not to convene an ARD meeting for the purposes of making changes to the IEP.
Lesson 6 of 11 within section Individualized Education Programs & IDEA.
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Extended School Year (ESY)
ESY services are special education and related services that are provided to a student with a disability beyond the regular school year.
Lesson 7 of 11 within section Individualized Education Programs & IDEA.
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Appropriate transition planning under Texas state law must begin not later than when the child reaches 14 years of age.
Lesson 8 of 11 within section Individualized Education Programs & IDEA.
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Age of Majority
All rights granted to the parents under IDEA will transfer to the student upon reaching age 18.
Lesson 9 of 11 within section Individualized Education Programs & IDEA.
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A student receiving special education services may graduate and be awarded a regular high school diploma if …
Lesson 10 of 11 within section Individualized Education Programs & IDEA.
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IEPs for Students with Disabilities Who Transfer into a Public School
To facilitate the transition of the student, the federal regulations say that the new school must take reasonable steps to promptly obtain the student’s records, including the IEP and supporting documents.
Lesson 11 of 11 within section Individualized Education Programs & IDEA.
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Least Restrictive Environment & IDEA
What is LRE?
IDEA states: “to the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities . . . are educated with children who are nondisabled”.
Lesson 1 of 2 within section Least Restrictive Environment & IDEA.
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LRE & the Student’s Unique Needs
A student’s placement in the general education classroom is the first option the placement group should consider.
Lesson 2 of 2 within section Least Restrictive Environment & IDEA.
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Early Childhood Intervention & IDEA
Child with a Disability Birth to 5 Years of Age
In the case of a student with a disability age 3 through 5, the ARD committee must comply with the ARD committee framework and if the student has an IFSP, consider the IFSP.
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Lesson 2 of 3 within section Early Childhood Intervention & IDEA.
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Transition from ECI to Preschool Programs
By the child’s third birthday, an IEP or IFSP must be developed and implemented by the school for the child.
Lesson 3 of 3 within section Early Childhood Intervention & IDEA.
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Parent Rights & IDEA
Procedural Safeguards
The Notice of Procedural Safeguards: Rights of Parents of Students with Disabilities explains the specific rights and responsibilities of the parent in the special education process.
Lesson 1 of 10 within section Parent Rights & IDEA.
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Prior Written Notice
All prior written notice, not just notice of ARD meetings, are to be provided five (5) days ahead of the action, unless the parent agrees to waive the five day notice.
Lesson 2 of 10 within section Parent Rights & IDEA.
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Consent for Initial Evaluation
When the school is proposing to conduct an initial evaluation the school must, after providing notice, obtain informed consent from the student’s parent.
Lesson 3 of 10 within section Parent Rights & IDEA.
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Ward of the State
If the student is a ward of the State, the school must make reasonable efforts to obtain the informed consent for an initial evaluation from the parent of the student.
Lesson 4 of 10 within section Parent Rights & IDEA.
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Consent for Reevaluation
If the parents refuse to consent to reevaluation, the school may, but is not required to, pursue the reevaluation by using the consent override procedures allowed by the law.
Lesson 5 of 10 within section Parent Rights & IDEA.
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Consent for Services
The school must obtain informed consent from the parent before beginning the provision of special education and related services to the student.
Lesson 6 of 10 within section Parent Rights & IDEA.
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Complaint Investigations
Any individual or organization may file a complaint with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) if they believe the school has violated federal or State laws or regulations that apply to students with disabilities.
Lesson 7 of 10 within section Parent Rights & IDEA.
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Mediation is an option parents can choose in order to resolve disagreements about a student’s identification, evaluation, educational placement and FAPE.
Lesson 8 of 10 within section Parent Rights & IDEA.
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Resolution Period
When a parent requests a due process hearing, the school has 30 days from the receipt of the due process hearing request to attempt to resolve the complaint with the parent.
Lesson 9 of 10 within section Parent Rights & IDEA.
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Due Process Hearing
A due process hearing is another option for parents and schools to resolve disputes.
Lesson 10 of 10 within section Parent Rights & IDEA.
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Private Schools & IDEA
IDEA & Private Schools
IDEA 2004 made a number of changes in how schools deal with students placed in private schools by their parents (including home-schools).
Lesson 1 of 7 within section Private Schools & IDEA.
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Private School Defined by IDEA
A private school means a nonprofit institutional day or residential school, preschool, day care, or a religious school.
Lesson 2 of 7 within section Private Schools & IDEA.
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Child Find in Private Schools
IDEA 2004 bases a school district’ s child find obligation for parentally-placed private school students on the location of the private school.
Lesson 3 of 7 within section Private Schools & IDEA.
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Consultation Between the School District and the Private School
Consultation must occur during the design and development of special education and related services for parentally-placed private school students.
Lesson 4 of 7 within section Private Schools & IDEA.
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Services to Be Provided
Services to parentally-placed private school students, including materials and equipment, must be secular, neutral, and nonideological.
Lesson 5 of 7 within section Private Schools & IDEA.
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Dual Enrollment
The school district where a student resides is responsible for providing special education and related services to a student whose parents choose dual enrollment.
Lesson 6 of 7 within section Private Schools & IDEA.
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Reimbursement for Private School Placement
A court or hearing officer may require the school to reimburse parents if they find the agency had not made FAPE available to the student in a timely manner prior to that private school enrollment and that the private school placement is appropriate.
Lesson 7 of 7 within section Private Schools & IDEA.
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Discipline & IDEA
Authority of School Personnel
School personnel may remove a student with a disability who violates the student code of conduct from his or her current placement to an appropriate interim alternative educational setting, another setting, or suspension, for not more than 10 consecutive school days.
Lesson 1 of 7 within section Discipline & IDEA.
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Change of Placement
The school’s determination of whether a pattern exists is subject to challenge through a due process hearing and judicial proceedings.
Lesson 2 of 7 within section Discipline & IDEA.
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Manifestation Determination
A manifestation determination must be made within 10 school days of any decision to make a change of placement of a student with a disability because of a violation of a code of student conduct.
Lesson 3 of 7 within section Discipline & IDEA.
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Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)
A functional behavioral assessment looks at why a student behaves as he or she does, given the nature of the student and what is happening in the environment.
Lesson 4 of 7 within section Discipline & IDEA.
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Special Circumstances
If these special circumstances exist, school personnel may remove a student to an interim alternative educational setting without regard to whether the behavior is determined to be a manifestation of the student’s disability for not more than 45 school days.
Lesson 5 of 7 within section Discipline & IDEA.
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Referral to and Action by Law Enforcement and Judicial Authorities
Schools are permitted to report a crime committed by a student with a disability to appropriate authorities.
Lesson 6 of 7 within section Discipline & IDEA.
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Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
Federal regulations require that, if a student has behaviors that interfere with their learning or are disruptive to other students, the IEP must address these behaviors.
Lesson 7 of 7 within section Discipline & IDEA.
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