Since the first federal law dealing with the education of students with disabilities in public schools was passed, legal rights for parents has been an important part of the law. These legal rights for parents are generally referred to as “procedural safeguards”. The current federal law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 2004 (IDEA), continues to provide the parents and guardians of children with disabilities with a variety of legal rights to be involved in and make decisions about a student’s education. The purpose of this course is to let parents know that they have legal rights and to help them understand what these rights are.

Course Information


Course Instructor

Partners Resource Network Partners Resource Network Author

Procedural Safeguards



Prior Written Notice

Parental Consent

Independent Educational Evaluation

Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) Committee


Educational Records

Voluntary Private School Placements by Parents

Parental Rights When a Student Turns 18

Resolving Disagreements